The Money Saving App Every Student in Lincoln NEEDS!

Written by Guest Topics: App User, Blog

Being a student, most of us cannot help but worry about money 24/7. Myself and all of my friends probably talk about how little money we have in our bank accounts at least 3 times every SINGLE D A Y. Despite having a good budget in place, sometimes there are terms at university that make it very difficult to survive without popping into the overdraft. Even though we have endured many a struggle money-wise, I have managed to find an incredible app that can help you and many others save as much money as possible when spending money in your local city, at your favourite cafe or buying gifts for an upcoming occasion.

LoyalFreeΒ is an app that has recently made its way into my life and I honestly wish that I’d discovered it sooner. The app intelligently connects to your location and brings all of the offers available in your area into one place. You can access deals/codes for local restaurants, cafes and other services (i.e. discounted gym memberships) from your city, making it super easy to save some of your pennies. Student life can be a struggle so now that I have this app, I can always check to see if there are better alternatives to opt for, in order to help me save that extra cash!


One of my favourite features about the app is that you can earn rewards by collecting stamps – just take a photo of theΒ LoyalFreeΒ bar code in your favourite stores and receive a stamp! They also have a section on the app that is dedicated to local/surrounding events – this has made me aware of all the amazing things that are going on in my city within the next couple of months that I had NO idea about! There is a Lincoln Street Food Festival this weekend and I’m super excited to go – if I didn’t have the app, I would honestly have no idea because it hasn’t been advertised anywhere in my city centre. LoyalFree also have a ‘trails’ section which I think is a wonderful idea; for instance, it has collated all the amazing places in Lincoln that are dog friendly! This means you can plan your day in advance, knowing which places allow dogs to join you if you haven’t got a dog sitter or want to take your pooch out for the day.


Finally, I look at the LoyalFree app as a tour guide. If you’ve never been to a city or town before, you can hop on the app and find a map of where you are. You can be guided to places that offer amazing deals and discounts, you have access to opening times and contact numbers for restaurants if you fancy booking at table. It even has a section to find nearby parking, which is extremely useful for drivers like myself when travelling to a new place.

Here are some images of LoyalFree happiness in Lincoln:Β 


Overall, I am absolutely thrilled that I have this app in my life and I am now able to save so much money when I’m out socialising with my house mates, going out for a drink or shopping for my weekly essentials. This app is super convenient – holding all your deals and stamps in one places. Let me know what you guys think of the app and don’t hesitate to download it here…it’s FREE:


Have you heard of LoyalFree before? Will you be downloading the app?

Lots of love


This blog post was written by Scarlet Slippers blog. Click here to read the original post.

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